The Society was founded in 1899 by a group of dedicated anglers who fished Stanley Reservoir in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. Today the Society has grown to be one of the more prominent fishing organisations in the UK with members, made up of seniors, ladies, juveniles, and disabled members from all over the country.

Society Rules
Please can all members take the time to view the Societies Rules. Click the button below for further details.
Our Waters
With a good selection of still waters and a number of river stretches to tackle we aim to cater for all types of angling. For canal anglers this year we can now offer three stretches for you to enjoy. The links below will take your to our full Waters List or our Google Map.
Membership & Stanley Head Parking
From 2025 both Membership and Stanley Head Parking is available via the website. Click the Join Us button below for the full details of both.
Sotas 2024 AGM Report
Details can be found in the Members section of the website or Clicking Here
Proposed Work party dates
Further Dates to be announced
Latest Society News
Important Information
The Booking system is now live for Stanley night sessions. Access to the online booking form can be located in the members area under booking system. This will require the use of the Password issued in your membership to gain access. Standard sessions are set at a 24hr standard booking and another booking will be required to book 48hrs etc. Sessions can only be booked from the 1st of April, please also familiarise yourselves with the venue rules in relation to carp fishing. Thank you.
Fantastic new additions to Stanley and Astbury
Astbury Mere Syndicate members - for those renewing their membership please print the below downloadable form. Please ensure that you following the instructions within the form before posting your application. Current members are required to complete a reapplication no later than the 28th of February 2025, places will then be offered to those on the waiting list as of the 1st of March 2025.
Stanley fishing well
In recent weeks Stanley as been fishing very well for those willing to give it a shot, match weights are on the up and pleasure anglers are seeing some great results. The Bream are really coming on and we hope it can only get better into the future.
Juvenile Match Entry
Any Juvenile members, aged 13 to 16, will be eligible to fish senior matches this season. All juvenile's will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the match. Anyone interested will need to contact our Match Secretary, Jordan Riley for more information.
Astbury Carp on the feed
Astbury continues to go from strength to strength, in recent weeks some lovely fish have been caught including some of its well Known inhabitants.
This shows the quality of the water and what an asset it has become.
Stanley Pool
Car Parking on North Staffs Sailing Club car park is now free to all members.
This is the entrance to the pool from Puddy Lane. Your SOTAS sticker MUST be fully displayed in your windscreen or dashboard. This concession DOES NOT apply to the entrance through Stanley Head Education Centre. The status quo for that entrance still applies.
New "Water Maps and Details"
A new set of detailed Society Waters Maps have been completed. As well as a map and directions they give details of stock and species and other useful information for each water You can view and download them by Clicking Here
Change to Juvenile ticket pricing for 2025
The Juvenile ticket has been revised for 2025, also seeing the reintroduction of an Intermediate ticket. Please see the Join us section of the website for further information.
Special rules will apply i.e. child protection, fishing in the same peg with an adult, 3 rods max per peg.
It is hoped that this new initiative will provide a gateway into the sport for the young of today to become the anglers of tomorrow.
The mission of Stoke-on-Trent Angling Society is to manage, serve and promote angling. To assist members and participants in their various forms of involvement in angling. To adhere to all the laws of angling and to encourage and facilitate the involvement of as many people as possible in angling activities.
Next match result to be published.
Catch Returns
Awaiting feedback