Blithfield Reservoir
Blithfield Reservoir is a large raw water reservoir in South Staffordshire, England, owned by South Staffordshire Water. Some 800 acres of reservoir was formed on land sold by Baron Bagot to the South Staffordshire Water Works in the 1940s.

General Information
Members are allowed to fish Blithfield Reservoir on the FLY ONLY from the 21st March to the 15th November 2024 on a rotational basis, provided they book in advance.
Four Members are allowed to fish on any one day. There is a two fish limit but you may continue fishing on a catch and release basis.
A maximum of 8 visits allowed for any angler (irrespective of how many different clubs they are a member of).
Members must book in advance with Blithfield Office, by phone, 01283 840284. This can be up to one week in advance. Members will then be issued with a Permit from the office at Blithfield Reservoir on arrival.
Office open 8am to 12pm weekdays only for bookings.
No member is to start fishing without first obtaining a Permit from the office.
Bank fishing only. If a member wishes to hire a boat this is to be paid for on the day.
Life jackets MUST be worn.
These rules are subject to change.
For more information visit Blithfield Anglers website
Located off the B5014, near the village of Abbotts Bromley.
Postcode WS15 3DU
Grid Reference SK075233
Sat Nav 52.807532,-1.889782
Blithfield Reservoir Weekly report.
The week has seen a significant improvement in sport following some cooler nights and an influx of cold water from the rivers as a result of the heavy rain midweek. Water temperatures were holding at 16°C at the start of the week but had dropped to 14°C by Sunday.
Plenty of trout are moving into the margins and can be found in as little as 18 inches of water as they chase fry thus negating the need for bank anglers to wade out too far. Boat anglers are still enjoying the best returns but some bank anglers have recorded a few stunning specimen fish, often caught just as the fly is lifted from the water. The best fish of the week was caught on a minkie near Rainbow Corner from a boat by visiting rod Mr. Warwick Flynn and was a superb 5lb brown trout which was quickly and gently released back into the water to live and grow on for some years to come.
There have been several creditable returns this week including for Season Permit holder Mr. Geoff Allsop with 4 fish in the net in just 4 hours ; visiting boat angler Mr. Dennis Allen with 5 fish, all caught on ‘snakelets’; visiting boat pair Mr. Martin Jones and Mr. Phil Jones who returned a very decent 13 fish to their boat ; on the same day visiting rods Mr. Gary Carmichael and Mr. Mark Clayton recorded 10 fish to their boat on the South Lake whilst later in the week visiting rod and Seasoned dry fly enthusiast Mr. Tim Bucket returned 10 fish to his boat with all caught on black hoppers near to the Dam. With plenty of bank anglers returning at least 3 fish the prospects are indeed looking up.
Rain in the forecast for the next week will likely see fewer anglers venture out but it’s also important to remember that some of the best sport here at Blithfield can be experienced whilst it’s raining with trout rising to the surface in response to the air pressure changes and cooler temperatures. Our closing date for non-permit holders is 15th November and for Permit holders it is 30th November. We look forward to seeing you soon.
The rod average is 3.01