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Stoke on Trent Angling Society Constitution



1 The name of the Society shall be the Stoke on Trent Angling Society.

2 The headquarters of the Society is Smallthorne Victory WMC & I ltd,

 300 Hanley Rd,, Stoke on Trent, ST6 1RE or as may be decided by the Committee.

3 The objects of the Society are to make available to the members rights of fishing and all things incidental to it.  The Society's funds may only be used for these objects.

4 Any individual is eligible to stand for election as a Member.

5 Candidates for membership must apply in writing.  Children who are 12 to 16 years of age will be given immediate membership.

6. Candidates for  membership will be considered by the Treasurer and/or the Committee. The Society are under no obligation to give the candidate a reason for refusing them membership; however, membership will never be refused on the grounds of race, sex or religion.

7 The membership shall consist of:-

Juvenile members – persons who are a maximum of 16 years of age on the 1 January of the membership year 

Intermediate members – persons who are a minimum of 17 years of age and a maximum of 18 years of age on the 1 January of the membership year 

Senior members – persons who are a minimum of 19 years of age and a maximum of 64 years of age on the 1 January of the membership year 

Senior Citizen members - males who are a minimum of 65 years of age on the 1 January of the membership year

Lady members - females who are a minimum of 22 years of age on  1 January of the membership year.

Disabled members - persons who are eligible to receive DISABILITY LIVING ALLOWANCE at the HIGHER RATE for mobility reasons or PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE PAYMENT (MOBILTY COMPONENT enhanced rate).

Honorary members - persons who have given or are giving exceptional service to the Society; the persons entitled to this class of membership shall be reviewed annually by the Senior Officials of the Society.

8. Persons wishing to be added to the Astbury waiting list will have to pay a deposit. On admission to Astbury membership the deposit will be deducted from the amount of the Astbury subscription. If the offer of Astbury membership is not taken up, the deposit will be forfeited. 

9 The annual subscription shall be payable on the 1 January each year and any membership not renewed before the 1 April shall be classed as a resignation.

10a The Senior Officials of the Society shall be the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Fishery Manager, Health and Safety Officer and Astbury Manager.

10b Trustees of the Society shall be appointed from the Senior Officials and Non-Executive Officers of the Society and the election of the Trustees will be subject to the approval of the members at the annual general meeting.


10c If a Trustee ceases to be a member of the Society their trusteeship will be automatically terminated, and they will take all necessary action to transfer any property held on behalf of the Society into the name of the remaining trustees or into the names of any newly appointed replacement trustees.


10d. The Trustees are expressly prohibited from disposing of any land held on behalf of the Society unless expressly in accordance with a resolution passed at an Annual General meeting or at an Extra Ordinary General meeting of the Society. 


10e. The Trustees must deal with any property vested in them as Trustees by way of sale as directed by the Society. Such direction shall be passed by a resolution of the members and be evidenced by a certificate signed by the Secretary of the Society. 

11 The management of the Society shall be entrusted to a Committee consisting of the 6 Senior Officials, Match Secretary and Assistant Match Secretary and not more than 12 elected Committee members. Additionally, the Society may appoint the following Non-Executive Officers: A President and up to 4 Vice President.

12 The Committee shall set up a sub committee of 5 of its members, which must not include the Senior Officials, to act as the Disciplinary Committee.  This Committee may expel from membership, or impose an alternative punishment, any member or official who wilfully disobeys any of the Society rules or is guilty of any action which may bring the name of the Society into disrepute; due consideration will be given to any explanation offered by the member.  A member expelled shall have no claim on the property of the Society and shall only be eligible for re-election to membership at the discretion of the Committee.

In the event that the member believes that the punishment is unfair he may make one final appeal to the Senior Officials of the Society.  They may reduce or increase the punishment as appropriate and their decision will be final.

13.  Meetings: The following meetings will be held: 

An Annual General Meeting held on the 2nd Thursday of November at 8pm at headquarters together with monthly meetings for ticket sales on the 2nd Thursday of each month in December, January and February. 

The Annual General Meeting open to all members will be held on the 2nd Thursday in November at 8 pm at a suitable venue; members must carry their membership card.

A Special Meeting may be called at any time by the Secretary, or by a written request to the Secretary from at least 6 members of the Committee, or by a similar request from at least 25 Ordinary Members; this meeting will be open to all members.

An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the Secretary if requisitioned by 9 members of the Committee or 100 voting members.  The requisition to specify the object of the meeting, to show all membership numbers and to be signed by all the sponsors.  75% of the Sponsors will form a quorum for the meeting.

Senior Officials and Committee meetings will be called as necessary by the Chairman and/or Secretary; 50% of those eligible to attend shall form a quorum for these meetings.

If any Official, Officer or Committee member fails to attend 3 consecutive meetings without good reason then they will be assumed to have resigned from their office.

The conduct of all meetings shall be invested in the Chairman, whose ruling shall be binding.

14 The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held for the following purposes:-

To agree the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary General meetings held during the year.

To receive an oral report from the Chairman.

To receive a Report and Statement of Accounts for the preceding year from the Treasurer.

To receive a report from the Auditors.

To elect Officers, Officials and Committee members.

To decide upon any Notice of Motion submitted to the meeting.

To decide upon the Subscriptions, entrance fees and charges for Guests for the following year.

To approve the Match Calendar.

No other business will be conducted at this meeting

15 The members of the Society shall appoint at the Annual General Meeting the following officers, officials and general committee members.

Chairman for a period of  5 years



Match Secretary..................3.......

Assistant Match Secretary.3.......


up to 4 Vice Presidents......3.......

Fishery Manager.................3.......

Astbury Manager................3.......

Club Welfare officer............3......

Membership Secretary.......3......

12 Committee members....3.......

No member shall be entitled to stand for election to the Committee unless he has been a member of the Society for at least the 12 months preceding the election.  No member shall be entitled to stand for election to a position of official or officer unless he has been a member of the Society for at least the 5 consecutive years preceding the election.

The election/retirements from the positions with a 3 year tenure shall be arranged such that one third of the posts come up for election every year.  In the event of a casual vacancy occurring due to a resignation, then that post shall only be filled for the remaining duration within the 3 year cycle.

Nominations for any of these positions are to be in the hands of the Secretary at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting at which the nominations will be put to the vote.  In the event that all positions are not filled by this process then additional nominations will be taken from the floor of the meeting to fill these remaining vacancies.  All nominations to be proposed and seconded.

16 The Society shall appoint professional external Auditors on an annual basis.

17 Members of the Society may propose an amendment to the Constitution and General Rules or other rules or bring before the members any subject by means of a Notice of Motion at the Annual General Meeting, provided that not less than 14 days before the Meeting he shall have given to the Secretary notice of the contents, in writing, and have another member second the motion.  The members must give their membership number and be prepared to address the Meeting.

18 At the Annual General Meeting the Notice of Motion will be read from the chair before being debated.  No member shall be permitted to speak more than once except the proposer who may reply before a vote is taken.  A Notice of Motion shall only be passed if a minimum of 51% of the votes cast are in favour of the motion.  The Chairman shall ascertain the decision by a show of hands or paper ballot.

19 At all meetings the chair shall be taken by the Chairman of the Society or in his absence by another member nominated to take the chair.  The Chairman of any meeting shall not be entitled to vote on any issue but in the event of an equal division of votes, shall be entitled to a casting vote.

20 The Committee shall be empowered to elect any eligible member of the Society to fill any casual vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.

21 The Committee shall be empowered to make, alter and revoke any of the rules of the Society concerning the use of the Society's fishing and other facilities provided that they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Rules or any statutory enactment.  These rules to be binding on all members as if they were part of the permanent rules, unless and until revoked by a decision of the Committee, until ratified by 51% of the members voting at an Annual or Extraordinary General meeting.

22 The Trustees/Senior Officials of the Society shall jointly decide on the purchase or lease of any fishing rights.  Before relinquishing any fishing rights already held they will, however, consult and agree with the Committee.

The cost of any individual water and the length of the lease will be confidential to the Senior Officials of the Society.

23 The Treasurer shall be responsible for money paid to him.  He shall only use the money for and on account of the Society and shall present a statement of expenditure and bank balances when ever requested by the Committee.  He will ensure that any returns required by either the Inland Revenue and/or Customs and Excise are completed accurately and on time.

24 The Treasurer shall have overall responsibility for the sale of membership tickets

25 The Secretary will be responsible for all correspondence and will report accordingly to the next Monthly meeting.  At his discretion sensitive correspondence, where disclosure to the general membership may compromise the Society, may be held over until a future meeting. The Secretary will deal with the correspondence from/to new members.

26 The Match Secretary, together with the Assistant Match Secretary as appropriate, will be responsible for setting an annual match program.  He will organise these events and in the event of his likely absence will delegate accordingly.  The matches printed in the membership ticket shall be for members only unless otherwise clearly stated.  The Match Secretary and/or his Assistant may, with the approval of the Committee, organise other matches that can also be fished by Guests or be run on an "open" basis.

27 The Fishery Manager will be responsible for ensuring that all fishery management work is carried out solely for the long term benefit of the fishery and the Society.  He will at all times seek approval for his plans from the Committee.

28 The Astbury Manager will be responsible for the day to day management of Astbury Mere.

29. The Club Welfare Officer will be responsible for overseeing safeguarding matters, maintaining a robust safeguarding policy, and ensuring that there is a clearly defined set of procedures to manage the reporting of any safeguarding concerns.

30 Reasonable business expenses will be paid if agreed by the Treasurer in advance.

31 Any matters not provided for in these Rules shall be dealt with by the Committee at their discretion.

32 Every member shall be bound by and submit to the rules of the Society.  It is the duty of every member to familiarise themselves with all the rules of the Society.

33 In the interpretation of these Rules, unless stated to the contrary, singular shall include the plural and words in the masculine gender shall include the female gender and vice versa.

34 The Society is a non-profit making organisation. All profit and surpluses will be used to maintain or improve the Society’s facilities.


35 The Society shall insure the Trustees against the costs of a successful defence to a criminal prosecution brought against them as Trustees or against personal liability incurred in respect of any act or omission which is or is alleged to be a breach of trust or breach of duty (unless the Trustee concerned knew that, or was reckless whether, the act or omission was a breach of trust or breach of duty) .


If at any General Meeting of the Society, a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the Society, the Secretary shall immediately convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society to be held not less than one month thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution.

If at that Extraordinary General Meeting, the resolution is carried by at least two-thirds of the Full Members present at the meeting, the General Committee shall thereupon, or at such date as shall have been specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the Society and discharge all debts and liabilities of the Society.

After discharging all debts and liabilities of the Society, any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to some other voluntary organisation having objects similar to those of the Society.


Chairman & Trustee: Mr K Grocott

07801 351 886  email:

Secretary: Mr T BURT 


Treasurer & Trustee: Mr A Riley

Fishery Manager:  Mr Jason Walters

Astbury Manager & Trustee: Mr R Watts

Health & Safety Officer & Trustee: Mr. R Byrne

Welfare Officer: Mr.R Byrne

Match Secretary: Mr J RILEY

07961 244122

Assistant Match Secretary: Mr G Brookes

07575 086328 

All Communications should be directed through the Club Secretary Mr. A. Burt.

No business conducted from Officials' residences, except by post with SAE.        

Society HQ is Smallthorne Victory WM

300 Hanley Rd, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 1RE



President - J Davey

Vice President - A Perkins

Vice President - M Hann

Vice President - G Beckett

Vice President - Roy Bailey          

Honorary Fisheries Scientist





Dru Lunney - Website Manager

Dave Rowe - Membership Secretary

Stewart Walker

Colin Davis

Jake Hulse

Dan Brassington


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