Stoke-on-Trent Angling Society Academy
“Our vision is to provide a facility whereby individuals and/or groups of all ages can get involved in the sport of angling. A place where they can enjoy, develop and improve their skills and help them on their journey to become a better angler and have a lifelong love of the sport.”
Stoke-on-Trent Angling Society Academy
Youngsters represent the future of our Society and our sport. SOTAS have made a start to reverse the trend that was being felt by all angling clubs in our area regarding the lack of youngsters getting involved in angling. The Society has fishing rights on approximately 9 miles of the canal network with the Canal and Rivers Trust. To promote more opportunities for family fishing trips on the canal, parents can purchase an Adult Canal Only membership / Guest permit for only £10 per year.
For several years SOTAS has been active in promoting a campaign to encourage more people to participate in fishing. The Society are successful in attracting more youngsters to start their angling journey, mainly by our involvement in the Canal and Rivers Trust “Lets Fish” events. To comply with safeguarding and insurance requirements, all events are delivered by a team of professionally qualified and licensed coaches.
Membership of the academy is free and open to all members of SOTAS.
What events are planned for 2025?
We are planning an in-house programme of events which has been designed to help to retain the interest and further develop the angling skills of our existing Academy members as well as providing dedicated training events for our new recruits. These events include training days on pole fishing on a canal and also on pole and rod and line fishing at a number of our small pools, 4 juvenile competitions, and 2 events to help prepare the Academy members for the biggest annual celebration of junior angling – the National Cadet, Junior and Youth Angling Championships.
Indoor Events – Wednesday Evenings
15th January How to make your own pole rigs Smallthorne WMC
19th February Elasticating a pole top kit Smallthorne WMC
19th March Predator Fishing Smallthorne WMC
Outdoor Events - Saturdays
24th May Training - Short Pole Trent & Mersey Canal
31st May Training - Short Pole Trent & Mersey Canal
7th June Cadets Training/Competition 1 Trent & Mersey Canal
28th June Training - Long Pole Trent & Mersey Canal
5th July Training - Long Pole Trent & Mersey Canal
12th July Training - Short Pole Trent & Mersey Canal
19th July Cadets Training/Competition 2 Trent & Mersey Canal
26th July Training Noels Pool
2nd August Open Day Stanley Pool
9th August Cadets Training/Competition 3 Noels / North Road Pools
16th August Training Lodge Farm
23rd August Cadets Training/Competition 4 Lodge Farm
30th August National Preparation Trent & Mersey Canal
6th September National Preparation Trent & Mersey Canal
27th September Celebration Lodge Farm
Contact us:
Anyone with an interest in taking part in any of the above events please contact:
Stoke-on-Trent Angling Society Academy liaison officer Mr. Anthony Burt via email secretary@sotascommittee.co.uk
(Please note that no business is conducted in person from an officials’ own residence)
If you were a junior member last year and have not yet re-joined, then please consider renewing quickly to be able to reserve your place on the above events.
Any person that would like more information about Stoke-on-Trent Angling Society Academy, how to get involved, helping, volunteering, about donations or sponsorship please contact the liaison officer Mr. Anthony Burt
SOTAS Academy 2024 Awards Night
On 27th November 2024 the SOTAAS Academy held its annual event to celebrate the achievements of our SOTAS youngsters
It was another successful year with another impressive array of trophies.
The most notable results from the 2024 National Competitions included:
Alex Shenton - the Young Juniors overall winner at the National
Celebration event in September.
Henri Bowen - the Cadets overall winner at the Global Communities event in October.
Brandon Sleem - the League winner of the 2024 CRT Regional matches.
The night was made even more memorable because the youngsters went away with items of fishing tackle courtesy of Nathan’s, Neil Powell (aka Hillbilly Floats), Gaz Salmon and Ray Lightfoot.
The coaches are now looking forward to helping the SOTAS Academy members along their angling journeys again next year and also welcoming a new intake of youngsters to become part of our Class of 2025.