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Newsletter &  AGM 2024

SOTAS AGM Minutes - 21st November 2024 



There were 31 members present. 





Stewart Walker, Ray Lightfoot 


Minutes of the 2023 AGM 


The Secretary read out the minutes of the previous years’ AGM and these were accepted. 


Any matters arising 


There were no matters arising from the minutes. 


Chairman’s Report  


Kev Grocott reported on the work carried out on waters in the last 12 months. He thanked Dave Rowe, Committee members and members for all their hard work on work parties. There had been an investment in equipment which has helped to complete work in a more efficient way. There has been a further investment in fish stockings including more bream for Stanley pool, carp for Stocia Pool, f1’s for Challinor’s, and quality roach in Lodge Farm and Challinor’s. 




Treasurer’s Report and Statement of Accounts 


Andrew Riley presented the Statement of Accounts. He reported that the outstanding debt for 2023 ticket sales (£9,196) had been settled. * The 2024 sales had increased by over £4,000 compared with the previous year. The end of year surplus was £10,315. He also explained that the temporary increase in the Bank balance was mainly because the Trust Fund had been surrendered but he pointed out that the surplus funds will be re-invested. The report was accepted. 




* Kev Grocott reported that Trentside had been offered but had declined the offer of selling 2025 SOTAS tickets. 2025 SOTAS tickets will be available to purchase from Angling Direct from the beginning of December. Nathans will also be contacted when a date for their re-opening is confirmed. 


 Auditor’s Report and Reappointment of Auditor  


The 2024 Statement of Accounts had been produced by PL Whittaker from Leek and it 


was agreed that this Company is re-appointed for 2025. 

Amendments to the Society’s Constitution  


The following changes to the Constitution were approved: 


7. The membership shall consist of: 


Juvenile members – persons who are a maximum of 16 years of age on the 1 January of the membership year 


Intermediate members – persons who are a minimum of 17 years of age and a maximum of 18 years of age on the 1 January of the membership year 


Senior members – persons who are a minimum of 19 years of age and a maximum of 64 years of age on the 1 January of the membership year 




8. Persons wishing to be added to the Astbury waiting list will have to pay a deposit. On admission to Astbury membership the deposit will be deducted from the amount of the Astbury subscription. If the offer of Astbury membership is not taken up, the deposit will be forfeited. 




10b. The Trustees of the Society shall be appointed from the Senior Officials and Non- Executive Officers of the Society and the election of the Trustees will be subject to the approval of the members at an annual general meeting. 




10c. If a Trustee ceases to be a member of the Society their trusteeship will be automatically terminated, and they will take all necessary action to transfer any property held on behalf of the Society into the name of remaining trustees or into the names of any newly appointed replacement trustees. 




10d. The Trustees are expressly prohibited from disposing of any land held on behalf of the Society unless expressly in accordance with a resolution passed at an Annual General meeting or at an Extra Ordinary General meeting of the Society. 


10e. The Trustees must deal with any property vested in them as Trustees by way of sale as directed by the Society. Such direction shall be passed by a resolution of the members and be evidenced by a certificate signed by the Secretary of the Society. 




13.  Meetings: The following meetings will be held: 


An Annual General Meeting held on the 2nd Thursday of November at 8pm at headquarters together with monthly meetings for ticket sales on the 2nd Thursday of each month in December, January and February. 


15. The members of the Society shall appoint at the Annual General Meeting the following officers, officials and general committee members 



Add: Club Welfare Officer for a period of 3 years  


Add: Membership Secretary for a period of 3 years 



29. The Club Welfare Officer will be responsible for overseeing safeguarding matters, maintaining a robust safeguarding policy, and ensuring that there is a clearly defined set of procedures to manage the reporting of any safeguarding concerns 




Election of Officers 


The following nominations were unanimously approved: 



Club Welfare Officer: Rob Byrne               


Fishery Manager: Jason Walters         


Match Secretary: Jordan Riley                    


Membership Secretary: David Rowe 


Committee Members: Colin Davis, Stewart Walker, Jake Hulse, Dan Brassington  


The Match Secretary is for a 1-year term, all other positions are for a 3-year term                     



Amendments to Society Rules 


The following changes were agreed: 



Application/Renewal of Membership 


2025 Membership cards will NOT be available by post 


Other Information 


Members wishing to fish at night on the river Dove, Stocia Pool, Challinors Pool and Stanley Pool will have to purchase a Night Permit 


Disciplinary Procedures 


Membership of the Society will be terminated for the following offences: 


Falsifying Application Form, No EA Licence, Use of foul language, Use of more than 3 rods, drunk on the bank, illegal use of drugs, fighting, threatening behaviour, leaving litter or fishing with litter in your swim 


Members will be offered the option to accept this penalty or to appear before the Disciplinary Committee in accordance with the Constitution. For other offences the penalty will be determined by the Disciplinary Committee. 



General Fishing Rules: 


Rule 4 – To become an Intermediate Member a person must be between the ages of 17 and 18 on the 1st of January of the current year. 


To become a Senior Member a person must be at least 19 years of age on the 1st of January of the current year. 


Rule 39 – No fishing for predatory fish from the 1st  of April to 30th September on all Society waters, with the exception of Rudyard Lake 


Rule 41 – The use of the Magic Twig and/or the Magic Wand is banned on all Society waters 


Astbury Specific Rules: 


Rule 6 – No leger or weight more than 5oz allowed 


Rule 8 – Under no circumstances is fishing allowed in the signposted area in front of and adjacent to the Sailing facility 


Rule 17 – Maximum distance of 120 metres / 394 feet / 12-foot rods = 33 wraps / 13-foot rods = 30 wraps 


Rule 18 – Zigs to be no more than 100 metres / 328 feet / 12-foot rods = 27 wraps / 13-foot rods = 25 wraps in conjunction with a minimum of 12lb hook length and the maximum hook size is size 8 


New rules re fish welfare: 


Rule 19 – No zig fishing between 1st April and 31st October 


Rule 20 – No fish to be moved to the public footpath for weighing or photographing - this must be carried out in the swim. 


Rule 21 – Braided mainline is not allowed when fishing for carp but braid can be used when using a spod or marker float. 


Rule 22 – When fishing for carp, above the lead there must be either tubing, lead core or a purpose made plastic or fluorocarbon leader, with a loop attachment of a minimum 75cm (includes chod rigs) 


Rule 23 – When fishing for carp, all lead systems must be semi fixed either lead clips or if using helicopter rigs, the Korda Heli-safe system must be used. 


Rule 24 – When fishing for large carp, unhooking mats must be either a cradle or one with sides – no flat mats are allowed. 


Rule 25 – All carp caught over 30lbs must be photographed and weighed and must be reported to the Fishery Manager. The catch report will be used to inform the Society’s future stocking policy and can be with or without publicity. 



Subscriptions and charges for 2025 


Before a vote was taken, Kev Grocott provided some context behind the proposals. The subscriptions have remained unchanged for many years. He explained that for some of our waters an inflationary increase in the annual rental must be paid. There will be a re-stocking of C6 carp (22lb to 24lb) in Astbury and a number of carp between 14lb to 24lb plus tench into Stanley Pool. 




                                                                         Existing   Proposed 




Astbury Premium Carp Ticket                      £205          £235 


Senior Members                                           £65           £70 


Senior Citizens and Disabled Members       £40            £45 


Juvenile members – 13 years and under     £ 1             £ 5 


Juvenile members - 14 to 16 years              £ 1             £10 


Intermediate members - 17 to 18 years       £65            £25 


Canal Only / Non-Fishing Guest Permit       £10            £10 




Night Permit                                                  £25           £30 


(2025 fee to include rivers, Stocia Pool, Challinors Pool and Stanley Pool – for a trial period) 




SH Swipe Card                                             £10           £10 


SH Sticker                                                     £10           £10 



Replacement Ticket                                           £3             £10 



On-line payments – postal charge                   Nil             £2 



Astbury Waiting List – deposit                        £65*          £100 


(* General Membership Ticket) 


 The proposed subscriptions and charges for 2025 were agreed. 




Approval of 2025 


Match and Academy Calendars 


The proposed match and Academy calendars were agreed. 

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