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Membership General Rules and Conditions.


The Constitution and Privacy Policy of Stoke-on-Trent Angling Society is available online at or by request from the Society secretary.

It is the responsibility of every member to read all rules. Being unaware of the rules is no defense.

Your Membership Card must be in your possession along with a valid Environment Agency License when fishing or on the water and must be shown on request. All EA rules apply.


Incidents requiring police call 101 or in emergency 999.

Incidents of pollution report to Environment Agency call 0800 807060. Ask for an incident No.


Be aware of the dangers from Blue Green Algae and Weils Disease. Full Details are available on the website.


Subscriptions are due on 1 January each year and a current membership card must be obtained before fishing. Cards can be obtained from our web-site,  at a monthly meetings at  Smallthorne Victory WMC, 300 Hanley Rd, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 1RE or by post from the Treasurer with SAE First Class and FRONT COVER from old card.  

Disabled Members cards can only be renewed with proof of disability. 

Applications by phone are not allowed

Astbury Carp Tickets holders must have renewed by 28th February otherwise their membership will be offered to the waiting list. All other members are encouraged to renew before 1st March to guarantee continued membership.

 A charge of £10 will be made to replace the Membership Card if it is lost, damaged or stolen.


Application/Renewal of Membership 

2025 Membership cards will NOT be available by post 

Other Information 

Members wishing to fish at night on the river Dove, Stocia Pool, Challinors Pool and Stanley Pool will have to purchase a Night Permit at £30.

Disciplinary Procedures 

Membership of the Society will be terminated for the following offences: 

Falsifying Application Form, No EA Licence, Use of foul language, Use of more than 3 rods, drunk on the bank, illegal use of drugs, fighting, threatening behaviour, leaving litter or fishing with litter in your swim 

Members will be offered the option to accept this penalty or to appear before the Disciplinary Committee in accordance with the Constitution. For other offences the penalty will be determined by the Disciplinary Committee. 


1. Fishing and car parking at anglers' own risk.

2. The fishing season is stated in individual water rules.

3. Maximum of 3 rods per person allowed.

4. Juvenile Members are only allowed to fish when accompanied by a parent who is a member, or an adult nominated by the parent who is a senior member.
Juvenile Members of 14+ years of age can fish unaccompanied during the day if their parent or legal guardian has signed the declaration giving them permission to do so on Page 1 of their membership book. Note; This permission can be revoked if the juvenile is found breaching any club rules or for behavioural reasons.
Juvenile Members are only allowed to night fish if accompanied by a parent member or an adult member nominated by the parent holding a valid night permit.
Members must fish the same peg - the total rods used on the peg must not exceed 3.

A person may join Stoke-on-Trent Angling Society as a Juvenile Member up to and including 16 years of age on the 1st January of the current year.

To become an Intermediate Member a person must be between the ages of 17 and 18 on the 1st of January of the current year. 

To become a Senior Member a person must be at least 19 years of age on the 1st of January of the current year.

5. No member to leave his/her rods unattended with lines cast in or with baited hooks.

6. Members must not monopolise specific swims by any means. If it is felt that this is happening then bailiffs will tackle the members concerned and may ask them to vacate the peg. If a member wishes to relocate to a new swim they must deposit substantial items at the new swim then collects the rest of their tackle from the old swim without delay.

7. No member is to encroach within 15 metres of another member's swim other than by mutual consent. This does not prevent members fishing Designated Pegs that are less than 15 metres apart. Members must only fish that water associated with the swim they are in. If an adjacent swim is vacant a member may cast a line towards that unoccupied swim on the strict understanding that if that swim is later occupied by another member then that bait and line must be removed.

8.No member is to fish more than half the distance between themselves and a member on the opposite bank. On rivers, members must not fish opposite another angler.

9. No swimming, no wading beyond thigh depth. No boats/floating aids to be used for baiting swims.

10. The use of an appropriate size un-hooking mat is compulsory where specimen fish are the quarry of the angler and should be carried by all members. Members must always use a suitable landing net when fishing.

11. All fish landed must be returned back to the lake in the shortest possible time.

A maximum period of 20 minutes is allowed for any fish, from going into the landing net to being released back into the water.
You must under no circumstances land a fish in darkness and keep it in a retainer until daylight for the reason of getting a better photo. (A retainer is classed as any type of net, flotation sling or any other device sold to retain fish. Sacks are not permitted. )

The only time a fish may be kept in a retainer is to allow you to sort out your unhooking and photographing procedures; this time is included as part of the 20 minutes landing to return period.

  • The fish itself must not be out of the water for longer than 10 minutes at a maximum.

  •  If for whatever reason you do not think you can meet this criteria (ie. multiple captures etc.) you must unhook and return the fish immediately.

  • Under no circumstances once you have landed a fish should that rod or any other be recast into the water until the fish has been safely returned.

12. When transferring fish between an unhooking mat and the water a suitable landing net, weigh sling, or flotation device must be used, suitably zipped or secured so no accidental damage can come to the fish. All Unhooking mats, nets, slings or retainers must be pre-wetted with lake water before receiving the fish and the fish must be kept suitably wet at all time.

Under no circumstance must anyone stand with a fish out of the water for photographs.

13. Members must not use treble hooks except for Pike fishing. Curved long shank hooks are not allowed on any Society water

14. No fish to be removed from any water unless written authority has been issued by the Fishery Manager.

15.  Anglers must use 15 lb minimum breaking strain line and min 20 lb trace wire when fishing for pike.

16.  Anglers must use 15 lb minimum breaking strain line when fishing for specimen carp.

17. No radios, TVs or any other electronic devices for producing sound for entertainment purposes to be used by the waters; however, Members may use a device which outputs sound by means of personal earpiece(s).

18. No fires and no bad language.

19. Pegs must be kept clear of litter at all times.  All litter, including any waste line, must be taken away from the fisheries; under no circumstances is it to be left in litter bins which may exist on the waters.

20. Toilet facilities. This constitutes a great problem, especially for long session anglers. If public toilets are available and open for use then these can be used. If no public toilets are available or these are closed then the angler must have alternative arrangements i.e. portable facilities. Under no circumstance must anything be disposed of by any means including burial etc. at the water. All such waste MUST be taken off site and disposed of at home in a suitable manner.

21. Birds, their nests and eggs, or any other wildlife must not be interfered with or disturbed in any way. 

22. Members are requested to prevent damage to property pertaining to or adjoining the Society’s waters. Members must not cut or remove trees, bushes or marginal water plants.

23. All gates are to be closed; fences and hedges are not to be damaged.

24. The portion of a water scheduled for a match is closed from midnight on the day of a match until the match terminates. All matches fished to AT Rules.

25. Members are not allowed on any water during the relevant close season unless on official business.

26. Members must carry their membership card when: a) on any of our waters and produce it to any other member or bailiff or representative of the owner of the water b) when attending the AGM.

27. All accidents or contravention of Rules to be reported to the Secretary immediately.

28. The flying Of Drones and Remotely Piloted Model Aircraft is prohibited over Society waters unless specifically approved by the Society Committee.

29. Radio Controlled Bait Boats are not allowed on any of the society waters other  than where specific permission is given in the additional rules for a particular water, and the boat is operated to the conditions and restrictions placed upon it for that water.

30. A good relationship exists between our Society and the Sailing Clubs that share the waters; do not damage this relationship.

31. All our waters are looked after very carefully and we have a planned fishery management policy for each water.  To carry out this policy a great deal of work is carried out.  Every member will be expected to carry out a work party if called upon by the Management Committee.

32. Members are encouraged to send in catch returns for all waters.

33. The consumption of Alcohol/Drugs is forbidden on all Society waters.

34. No metal tins containing bait to be taken to any water.

35. Where dogs are allowed on Society water's they must be under the owner's control.

36. IMPORTANT All members must adhere to The Country Code at all times.

37. No surface/floating baits of any kind are allowed on any stillwater.

38. Publicity and Catch Reports from Society Waters.. Any publicity i.e.. Pictures and Catch Reports posted or shared to any site, gallery or organization is only allowed if it is also shared with the society sites and clearly states which Society water it was caught from.

39. No fishing for predatory fish from the 1st  of April to 30th September on all Society waters, with the exception of Rudyard Lake

40. No Bloodworm of Joker allowed on any of our Society waters.

41. The use of the Magic Twig and/or the Magic Wand is banned on all Society waters

42. Keepnets only to be used for Match purposes on all society waters, and not used in pleasure fishing practices.

Additional Specific Water Rules.


Astbury Carp Ticket must be renewed by 28th February to maintain membership.

Additional Rules

1 The season is from 1 January to 31 December. To protect the fish during spawning,  portions of the water will be closed and notices posted at the areas affected.  

2. Members must have an Astbury Carp Ticket to fish for carp.

3. Only members having an Astbury Carp Ticket are allowed to night fish. Non Carp Ticket holders are allowed to fish for other species during the day.

4. No zig fishing between 1st April and 31st October

5. A maximum of three rods may be used. Members must have the appropriate rod licence(s). 

6. No leger or weight in excess of 5.0oz allowed.

7. No casting in the direction of the boats.

8. No fishing is allowed in the signposted area in front of and adjacent to the Sailing facility under any circumstances.

9. No fishing is allowed in the Dog Swimming Area. This rule applies at all times.

10. NO WADING  FROM PEGS 1, 2, 3 OR 4.

11. No pre baiting of swims is allowed. Any left-over bait must be taken away.

12. Members must always have a suitable landing net, 42 inch minimum, in their possession when fishing and use an appropriate size unhooking mat and hook wound disinfectant whenever they have landed a specimen fish and ensure that they understand and comply fully with General Fishing Rules 14 -16 on fish care.

13. Cars must only be parked in car parks; display sticker if on the Country Park car park. 

14. Members should note that Safety Boat (Power Boat) training might be in progress on the First Wednesday and following Thursday in any month; training will not commence before 9.30am.

15. Radio controlled bait boats are allowed to a max distance of 120 metres during times when the Sailing facility is not operating on the water – Members must have appropriate insurance.

16. Members are responsible for the clearance of litter from pegs they fish. Litter must be removed from site and not put in the bins.

17. Max Distance of 120m or 394 Feet to be fished too - 12 foot rods 33 Wraps - 13 Foot Rods 30 Wraps

18. Zigs  to be no more than 100m or 328 feet 27 (12 foot Wraps) 25 (13 foot Wraps) in conjunction with minimum 12lb Hook length and max size 8 hook.

19. No fish to be moved to the public footpath for weighing or photographing - this must be carried out in the swim.

20. Braided mainline is not allowed when fishing for carp but braid can be used when using a spod or marker float.

21. When fishing for carp, above the lead there must be either tubing, lead core or a purpose made plastic or fluorocarbon leader, with a loop attachment of a minimum 75cm (includes chod rigs).

22. When fishing for carp, all lead systems must be semi fixed either lead clips or if using helicopter rigs, the Korda Heli-safe system must be used.

23. When fishing for large carp, unhooking mats must be either a cradle or one with sides – no flat mats are allowed.

24. All carp caught over 30lbs must be photographed and weighed and must be reported to the Fishery Manager. The catch report will be used to inform the Society’s future stocking policy and can be with or without publicity.

Carp Match - 48hours - Draw 9am  2025 date TBC.

To Book Tel. Roger Watts 

Water will be closed to Members not fishing the match.

Water Contact Details

Mr Roger Watts 07984 183940



Additional Rules - all Lengths

1 The season is from 16th June to 14th March, 

Trout Fly Fishing allowed from 18th March to 7th October in accordance with EA rules.

NO coarse anglers allowed on the river during the close season.  

2.  No visiting the river prior to the start of the season.

3. Fishing session from first light to 12.30am; all members must be off the farms by 1.00am unless in possession of a night permit and has been pre-booked with John Davey. See Contact details below.  No camping, etc, on the banks between sessions.

4. All Land adjacent to these fisheries is private.  Members who wish to be accompanied by a non-fishing guest must ensure that guest is in possession of a Non-Fishing Membership Ticket. 

NOTE: Failure to comply with Society rules or behaving in an inappropriate manner will result in loss of membership.

Contact Detail

Mr Kevin Grocott 07801 351886

River Sow


Mr Geoff Brown, Great Bridgeford Hall Farm, Great Bridgeford, near Stafford. 

Additional Rules

1. The season is from 16 June to 14 March.

2. No dogs allowed

3 All Land adjacent to these fisheries is private.  Members who wish to be accompanied by a non-fishing guest must ensure that guest is in possession of a Non-Fishing Membership Ticket.

4. Parking on Whitegreave Lane.  Keep track clear. No parking at farm. 

Members are advised not to leave their car in a field containing cattle or horses.   

Water Contact Details

Mr Kevin Grocott 07801 351886


Additional Rules

1.The season is from 1 January to 31 December.

2. Fishing is from dawn to dusk.

3. Night fishing is allowed at the North End of the Reservoir between the barrier and the conservation area. Night fishing for pike is not allowed.

4. Society Membership entitles you to use 2 rods only.  Up to 2 extra rods can be used if the relevant fee is paid to the Ranger and relevant rod licences are held.

5. All vehicles to be sensibly parked.  Parking on the railway side for cars using the Rushton Spencer access is free, however, parking at the Dam is Pay and Display.

6. Day tickets are issued on this water by the Ranger

7. No fishing is allowed in the conservation area at the north end of the lake.

8. Radio controlled bait boats are allowed – Members must have their own appropriate insurance.

9. Barrier at north end; key safe combination 2019.

 Water Contact Details

Mr Kevin Grocott 07801 351886


No access is allowed over the dam.

Additional Rules

1. The season is from 1 January to 31 December.

2. Pike fishing is only allowed from 1 October to    31 March. 

3. Members are only allowed on the water during the period Dawn until Dusk. Those parking at Stanley Head must adhere to site rules of no access before 7AM and must have left the water before 9PM.

4. No leger/weight in excess of 3.5 oz is allowed.

5. No stones to be removed from the walls for any purpose.

6. Members must not fish in the Sailing Club frontage or use the jetties. They must not fish between the white posts by the Stanley Head  launch area.

7. No legers to be cast in the direction of the Boats.

8. A maximum of 3 rods may be used.

9. Radio controlled bait boats are allowed during the pike fishing season at times when Sailing is not in progress on the water – Beware the hazards of the Middle Dam - Members must have their own appropriate insurance.

10. Members must always use a suitable landing net when fishing and use an appropriate size unhooking mat when they have landed a specimen fish.

11. Parking is allowed at Stanley Head and in the Sailing Club car park if a current car parking permit is purchased from the Society – very strict rules apply which will be supplied with the access key/access code. 

12. All anglers using the Sailing Club car park must park between the white posts as indicated in diagram on next page; under no circumstances should they park in any other area of the car park.

13. All anglers must ensure that they lock the gates both on arrival and departure from the car park; the gates must be locked whilst they are fishing. 

14. SOT and SH stickers must be clearly displayed on the windscreen of your vehicle. 

Water Contact Details

Mr Kevin Grocott 07801 351886


Additional Rules 

  1. The season is from 1 January to 31 December.

  2. Fishing from designated pegs only.

  3. Day Angling: - Dawn till Dusk only.

  4. Night-fishing: - Only 4 Anglers allowed to night fish on the water at any one time and these must be in the designated Night Swims marked by a white post. These swims are for the use of all anglers. If a day angler is fishing in the swim the day angler must be allowed to complete his fishing session and only when it has been vacated must the night angler move in.

5.   A maximum of only two rods to be used. 

6.   Parking in car park adjacent to pool. No parking on road or estate.

7.   Barbless hooks only. Max size 8. 

8.   No keepnets allowed other than in official matches.

Water Contact Details

Mr.Kevin Grocott 07801 351886


Owned by Cheshire & North Staffs Angling Association.

Additional Rules

1. The season is from 1 January to 31 December.

2. No night fishing.

3. No live baiting and no gorge tackle allowed.

4. No cans or bottles (glass & plastic).

5. No unused bait to be thrown on the bank or in water.

6. No carp or pike to be retained in a keepnet except in matches.  Carp may be retained in a carp sack for photographic purposes only.

7. No match or competition to be held unless pre-booked via the Association Match Secretary.

8. The portion of the water scheduled for a match is closed from midnight on the day of a match until the match finishes. See rule 9 below.

9. Any angler in breach of the rules can be suspended without redress from the Association by a majority vote at a meeting of the shareholders of the Association.  Any angler in breach of the rules will automatically lose the right to fish any of the member club’s waters for the duration of the suspension.

10. Members may take juveniles under the age of 10 years to fish this water.              


1.The season is from 1 January to 31 December.

2. Pike fishing is only allowed from 1 October to 15 March.

3. Members are only allowed on the water dawn until dusk.

4. Members must only fish numbered pegs 1—24

No access beyond peg 1 and peg 24.

5. No leger weight in excess of 3.5oz allowed. 

6. A maximum of 2 rods only may be used. 

7. Parking in road adjacent to the Pool no parking on the estate. 

8. No keepnets to be used other than in matches.  

9. Spinning/Lure/fly fishing for Perch is only allowed from 1 October to 15 March.


Water Contact Details

Mr. John Triner 07734 200581
Note : Lock on gate is dummy only.


Additional Rules

1. The season is from 1 January to 31 December

2. One rod only to be used

3. No night fishing. Dawn till dusk only.         

4. No keepnets other than in matches.

5. Hooks must be barbless, max hook size of 10s.

Water Contact Details

Mr. R Byrne Tel. 07927 147989


Additional Rules

1. The season is from 1 January to 31 December

2. One rod only to be used

3. No night fishing. Dawn till dusk only.      

4. No keepnets other than in matches.

5. Hooks must be barbless, max hook size of 10s.

Water Contact Details

Mr. R Byrne Tel. 07927 147989


Additional Rules

  1. The season is from 1 January to 31 December.

  2. Day Angling: - Dawn till Dusk only.

  3. Night-fishing: - Only 3 Anglers allowed to night fish on the water at any one time and these must be in the designated Night Swims marked by a white post. These swims are for the use of all anglers. If a day angler is fishing in the swim the day angler must be allowed to complete his fishing session and only when it has been vacated must the night angler move in.

4.   A maximum of only two rods to be used. 

5.   Parking in car park adjacent to pool. No parking on road or estate.

6.   Barbless hooks only. Max size 8. 

7.   No keepnets allowed other than in official matches.

Water Contact Details

Mr. K Grocott. Tel. 07801 351886


Parking : Only allowed in the designated car park. NO PARKING is allowed on the lanes or the verges as you turn in off the road. Taking your car further up the track beyond the car park to park or turn around is STRICTLY PROHIBITED, this is the owners home and driveway.

All members must park sensibly. At times you must be prepared to move your vehicle to let other members off the car park. Once the car park is full then so is the pool.

Additional Rules:

1.   The season is from 1 January to 31 December

2.   No Night-fishing. Dawn till dusk only.

3.   maximum of only two rods to be used. 

4.   Parking: In car park adjacent to pool. See above.

5.   Barbless hooks only. Max size 10. 

6.   No keepnets allowed other than in official matches.

Water Contact Details:

Mr. Kevin Grocott Tel. 07801 351886


Equestrian centre gate must always be closed after 8.00pm.

Additional Rules:

  1. The season is from 1 January to 31 December.

  2. No night fishing. Dawn till dusk only.

  3. Maximum of 2 only rods to be used.

  4. Hooks must be barbless, max hook size of 10s.

  5. No keepnets other than in matches.

Water Contact Details.

Mr. K Grocott. Tel. 07801 351886


Members are allowed to fish Blithfield Reservoir from 16th March to 15th November on a rotational basis, provided they book in advance.

4 Members are allowed to fish on any one day. 

There is a two fish limit but you may continue fishing on a catch and release basis.

A maximum of 8 visits allowed for any angler (irrespective of how many different clubs they are a member of). 

Members must book in advance with Blithfield Office, by phone, 01283 840284. This can be up to one week in advance. Members will then be issued with a Permit from the office at Blithfield Reservoir on arrival.

Office open 8am to 12pm weekdays only for bookings.

No member is to start fishing without first obtaining a Permit from the office.

Bank fishing only. If a member wishes to hire a boat this is to be paid for on the day.

Life jackets Must be worn.

These rules are subject to change. 

Water Contact Details

Mr Kevin Grocott 07801 351886

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