Stanley Reservoir
Stanley Pool was constructed in 1786 as an 8-acre reservoir for the Caldon canal, which was opened through Stanley probably in 1778. It was enlarged to 33 acre in 1840, when a new dam was built to the north. Still a reservoir in 1991, it is also used for sailing and fishing.

Species & Stocking
With plenty of roach in Stanley Reservoir the high density of pike go to 27lb providing the predator angler with a good days sport. The match angler will also enjoy the fishing with plenty of silvers providing good bags on match days.
Species/Density/Weights (2024)
Pike High Upto 27lb, average 12lb
Roach Large shoals Average 10oz
Bream Large shoals Upto 9lb, average 2- 3lb
Perch Large shoals Average 2lboz average 8oz
Carp to 8lb unknown stock number
Located off the A53 near the village of Stanley, ST9 9LU.
Nearest Post Code ST9 9LU
Grid Reference SJ929519
Sat Nav 53.064745,-2.106657
Additional Rules:
No access is allowed over the dam.
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