Waters Overview
With a wide portfolio of still waters, canals and rivers you’re sure to find what your fishing for at Lymm Angling Club. Each water is looked after by its own Water Keeper who monitors and maintains the venue with the backing of the club's highly skilled estate maintenance team. The club actively manages its waters with wildlife conservation in mind via habitat construction, tree planting, bird boxes and much more.
To assist with fishery management, arrival slips and catch returns are completed by members at all still waters. Night fishing is allowed on most of our waters, there is no additional cost for night fishing. With the exception of the Bridgewater Canal permit, included in the price of each adult membership is the option to take a spouse or partner and two children (juniors under the age of 16, rod restriction apply).
Selected waters are closed for a specified period each year except to those members who either complete a set amount of hours on approved work party tasks or who pay for a work party exemption stamp. Click the map below to visit our Google map which includes directions for each venue, you can also download our detailed waters guide here.
With thirty still waters to explore you’ll enjoy the different challenges each one has to offer, join us here.
Barbel Society members can get £5.00 off all classes of membership here.
With nineteen different stretches of the most magnificent rivers to tackle you’ll be kept busy exploring them throughout the season. Fish the River Severn, River Vyrnwy and Canals for just £40 a year or for ALL Rivers and Canals it's £60 with no joining fee, click here.
Barbel Society members can get £5.00 off all classes of membership here.